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Georgia-Russia WTO agreement to be signed on Nov. 10

A text of an agreement on the Georgian-Russian WTO negotiations has been already initialed by the parties and the document will be signed on Nov.10, Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister Nino Kalandadze said at a traditional briefing on Monday. “It is important that this agreement has been reached and the process …

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Serbia wants to join Caspian gas project (AGRI)

Serbian President Boris Tadic said that the country wants to join the Azerbaijan- Georgia-Romania-Interconnection liquefied natural gas project as it seeks to diversify its supplies. Serbia currently imports gas only from Russia through Ukraine and Hungary. 

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Greece’s two biggest parties to choose new Prime Minister

The leaders of Greece’s two biggest parties are due to resume talks Monday to agree on who should be the country’s new prime minister, after reaching a historic power-sharing deal to push through a massive financial rescue deal that will prevent imminent bankruptcy.

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