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Macedonia-EU joint parliament committee set to adopt final recommendations

The two-day meeting of the Macedonia-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee will be completed with Friday’s adoption of the final recommendations. Macedonia should get a date for opening of the EU-accession talks and its integration processes must not be held

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Greek government to face confidence vote

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou’s government will face a vote of confidence in parliament on Friday evening. The prime minister has called for a “consensus government” to pull the debt-wracked country out of the crisis and implement the terms of a controversial EU bailout plan. Ahead of the crucial vote …

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Russia agrees WTO terms

Moscow is ready to accept the compromise on WTO accession proposed by Switzerland, which is mediating talks between Russia and Georgia, the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday, November 3, RIA Novosti reported. Russia has endeavored to join the WTO since 1993 and needs

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