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Greek cabinet backs George Papandreou’s referendum plan

Greece’s cabinet has given unanimous backing to a controversial plan by PM George Papandreou to hold a referendum on a EU debt rescue package. He told an emergency cabinet meeting that a referendum would offer “a clear mandate” for austerity measures demanded by other eurozone members. Stock markets recorded big …

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Hague Chief Prosecutor Mladić Trial to move faster

Hague Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz says the prosecution would do everything it could so that the trial of Ratko Mladć would be sped up as much as possible. The former military leader of Serbs in Bosnia was indicted for war crimes and genocide.

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Romania reiterates position on Kosovo

Romania’s President Traian Basescu has reiterated during a visit in Belgrade his country’s position that it has no intention whatsoever to recognize the independence of Kosovo. After meeting with his Serbian counterpart Boris Tadic on Tuesday, Basescu stressed that “at this point there is not a single condition under which …

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