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Georgia to discuss technical issues with Russia regarding WTO accession

President and Foreign Minister of Switzerland Micheline Calmy-Rey will today arrive in Georgia to meet with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. The two presidents will discuss the technical issues on terms of Russia’s accession to WTO in Batumi.

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UN says that tirst day of Cypriot talks were positive

The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders have held “positive, productive and vigorous” discussions during the first of two days of talks between the leaders and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, a senior United Nations envoy said tonight. Speaking at Manhasset, outside New York, where the talks began this morning, the Secretary-General’s …

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First hearing concluded for Bosnia Gunman

An initial hearing has concluded against Mevlid Jasarevic, who opened fire on the US embassy in Sarajevo last Friday. The hearing on Sunday is the first step in the prosecution of Jasarevic, who opened fire on

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