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Serbs partially remove barricades

Northern Kosovo Serbs removed a part of the barricade on the Kosovska Mitrovica-Ribariće road in the village of Zupče on Thursday morning. The barricade is located on the road leading to the Brnjak administrative crossing.

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Czech soldiers to withdraw from Kosovo by early November

KFOR’s Czech soldiers will complete their 12 year-long engagement in Kosovo early in November, the Czech Defense Ministry released on Thursday. Ministry’s spokeswoman Jana Ruzickova said that 90 Czech soldiers who are currently part of KFOR contingent

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Georgia accepts Swiss plan in WTO talks with Russia

Georgia said Thursday it has accepted a Swiss proposal that could open the way for Russia to join the World Trade Organization. Russia needs to reach individual agreements with all 153 members of the WTO, and the lack of progress in negotiations with Georgia has been the last significant stumbling …

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