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Reprezentantul Rusiei pentru problematica Transnistriei discuta cu secretarul de stat pentru afaceri europene Bogdan Aurescu

Reprezentantul special al Federaţiei Ruse pe problematica transnistreană, Serghei Gubarev, are de marţi, la Bucureşti, consultări cu secretarului de stat pentru afaceri europene Bogdan Aurescu. Traian Băsescu a reiterat, în urmă cu aproximativ o săptămână, la Adunarea Parlamentară

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Serbs in northern Kosovo to discuss freedom of movement with KFOR

Councilors of four northern Kosovo municipalities are holding a meeting in Zubin Potok to discuss KFOR’s request to ensure freedom of movement. KFOR has warned it is determined to take action if Serbs did not make a decision on removal of the barricades on Wednesday.

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Greece paralysed by two-days general strike

A two-day general strike, which will practically paralyze the whole country, will be launched in Greece on Wednesday. The Civil Servants’ Confederation ADEDY representatives explained that workers in Greece could not live on their monthly wages any more, for which

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