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Russia pressures Transnistrian leader to step aside for a younger succssor

Leaders of Moldova are delighted that Russia is increasing pressure on the hardline president of the breakaway Transnistria region to step down. The Kremlin has made clear it wants Transnistria’ s 70-year-old leader, President Igor Smirnov, to step aside in favour of a younger, more diplomatic successor

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Russian President visits Ukraine

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Ukraine’s Donetsk on Tuesday, where he will hold talks with his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yanukovych and take part in an interregional economic forum.

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Nikola Gruevski says that Greece avoids discussions on name issue

“Greece has avoided meetings for months, whereas the ones held lack essence,” Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said. “The economic crisis has even given the country a better position among the international community. They

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