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Nabucco project could be delayed one year

The Nabucco gas pipeline, meant to wean Europe off of its dependency on Russian gas, could become operational a year later than planned, in 2018, stakeholder OMV said Tuesday. Gerhard Roiss, CEO of the Austrian oil and gas giant, told the Austria Press Agency the first gas deliveries to Europe …

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US Vice President Joe Biden will visit Greece and Turkey in December

US Vice President Joe Biden will visit debt-riddled Greece and Turkey, a vital American ally in the Middle East, on a major overseas trip in early December, the White House said Monday. Washington has been issuing increasingly stark warnings on the extent to which the eurozone crisis, which risks being …

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PACE co-rapporteurs visit Georgia

Kastriot Islami (Albania, SOC) and Michael Aastrup Jensen (Denmark, ALDE), co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the honouring of obligations and commitments by Georgia, will make a fact-finding visit to Georgia on Oct. 11-14.

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