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Romanian ambassador to Armenia says NATO is not indifferent to Karabakh conflict

NATO has repeatedly stated the Karabakh settlement issue to be outside of the Alliance’s scope, Romanian ambassador to Armenia said. “This, however, does not mean NATO is not concerned over the issue,” Crina Prunariu told a news conference in Yerevan.

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Bulgaria wants to improve ties with Uzbekistan

A delegation headed by Bulgarian Economy, Energy and Tourism Minister Traicho Traikov has ended a working visit to Uzbekistan. Traikov held meetings with Uzbek Economy Minister Galina Saidova and Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade Minister Ravshan Gulyamov.

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Kosovo issue to be discussed at NATO summit

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says the situation in northern Kosovo and KFOR’s role will be one of the key topics of the NATO defence ministers’ meeting this week. The summit will be held in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

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