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Insult to Religious Sanctities and the Future of the World

The issue of insult to the holy prophet of Mohammad (pbuh) in some western newspapers has had a widespread effect in the world. There are some points to be mentioned here:  1. There is no doubt that one of the most serious elements that can create widespread unity in the …

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Olmert softens tone on Russia-Hamas talks

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (Reuters) — Russia’s plans to talk to Palestinian election winner Hamas drew a low-key response on Sunday from Israeli interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, according to remarks attributed to him by a government official. “I think the Russian position is mistaken, as I have stated.

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Solana in Mideast to limit fallout of cartoons

EUROPEAN UNION foreign policy chief Javier Solana embarks on a Mideast charm offensive Monday to calm protests over controversial Prophet Mohammad cartoons, and to limit the diplomatic fallout from the row.

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