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No word on kidnapped US journalist

BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi and US officials said Saturday they were working to free a female American journalist kidnapped off a Baghdad street one week ago but had not yet made contact with her captors. Jill Caroll, a 28-year-old freelance reporter, has not been heard from since she was kidnapped …

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Saddam judge threatens to quit

BAGHDAD (Reuters) — The judge trying Saddam Hussein has tendered his resignation, a source said on Saturday, making a protest at political interference and casting new doubt on the US-backed Iraqi government’s ability to ensure a fair trial. High tribunal officials were trying to talk Kurdish judge Rizgar Amin out …

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Tehran to resume nuclear fuel research

TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran said it would resume nuclear fuel research on Monday, triggering fresh Western warnings that Tehran could face sanctions and wreck dialogue to end a dispute over its controversial nuclear programme. “The possibility of… sanctions continues to exist. But… this should be a last resort,” said Austrian …

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