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Humiliated Iranian President Might Link Nuclear To Mohammad’s Cartoons

PARIS, 4 Feb. (IPS) After months of standoff, the Islamic Republic got what was expected: a very strong slap from the international community with which the new hard line president Mahmoud Ahmadi Nezhad had opposed a deliberate and provocative policy of confrontation, Iranian political analysts said, commenting the Saturday 4 …

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London decision on Iran unwise and cruel: Rafsanjani

Tehran Times Political Desk TEHRAN — “The decision about IranÂ’s nuclear dossier at the London conference was quite unwise and cruel” said the Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani here on Wednesday. The foreign ministers of the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany, who met on the …

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Majlis asserts Iran must not submit to bullying

Tehran Times Political Desk TEHRAN – 211 MPs in a letter on Wednesday warned the government not to submit to the bullying of world powers over the countryÂ’s nuclear program. Parts of the letter which was read out by a member of the Majlis Presiding Board Hossien Nejabat in the …

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