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Nineteen Iraqis killed in attacks

BAGHDAD (AFP) — Nineteen Iraqis, including eight policemen, died in insurgent attacks in and around Baghdad on Monday as two Shiite politicians were gunned down and a provincial governor escaped an assassination bid.

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Egypt Brotherhood says Holocaust myth

CAIRO (AP) — The leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s main Islamic opposition group, said Thursday that the Nazi Holocaust was a myth and slammed Western governments for criticising disclaimers of the Jewish genocide. The comments by Mohammed Mahdi Akef — made on the heels of his group’s strong showing …

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Iran uncompromising on eve of crucial nuke talks

TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran has spelled out clearly it will not back away from its bid to conduct sensitive nuclear fuel work, limiting the chance for a compromise at a key meeting on Wednesday with Britain, France and Germany.

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