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Constitution dangerously short of US goals — experts

WASHINGTON (AFP) — Iraq’s new draft constitution falls dangerously short of initial US goals and will likely fuel an increase in violence in the war-battered country, American analysts said. “It’s not a good path we are on right now,” said Flynt Leverett, of the Brookings Institution think tank here. “You …

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Nuclear deadline sets stage for showdon on Iran

VIENNA — Iran is almost certain not to heed a UN call for it to stop nuclear fuel work by next Saturday, setting the stage for a showdown on what the United States says is a secret Iranian drive to make atom bombs. “New York is the key now,” a …

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Fresh violence and rhetoric unlikely to torpedo momentum for Mideast peace

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — A lethal arrest raid, a suicide bombing, fresh land expropriations, a threatening Hamas video: So far, that’s the follow-up to Israel’s historic Gaza pullout. Rather than seize the moment to jump-start negotiations, Israelis and Palestinians appear to be falling into a familiar pattern of violence and rhetoric. …

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