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Witnessing the scheduled destruction of Gaza

On Tuesday, June 13, Israeli missile fire killed seven Palestinian civilians in Gaza City. Among the dead were two children. The strike follows an Israeli assault on a Gaza beach last week which claimed the lives of seven family members-including five children. In a report released on June 11, the …

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Clashes in Ingushetia

A source inside the Command Center of Ingush Sector of the Southwest Front reported to Kavkaz Center news agency that in the last few days sporadic firefights took place between mobile units of Ingush Mujahideen and Russian kafirs’ occupation troops in settlements of Ali-Yurt, Surhohi, and some other neighboring villages. According to …

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30 American, Puppet Soldiers Gunned Down by ISA Forces

On June 15, armed forces of the Islamic State of Afghanistan   ambushed and terminated  eight puppet regime soldiers and destroyed their two vehicles in Kashaki Nahad area of Helmand province. Also on June 15, Taliban fighters executed a puppet regime intelligence chief of Garam Seer (Hazara Guft) district of Helmand …

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