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Darfur talks to resume in Nigeria; long road ahead

KHARTOUM (Reuters) — Darfur peace talks are due to resume on Friday after a six-month gap that has seen the political and military landscape in Sudan’s vast west change in a way that could improve the chances for a deal. Despite recent infighting which has raised doubts over their ability …

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‘Opposition deal with regime frustrating’

BEIRUT — Two months after a one-million-strong march against Syria’s domination, many Lebanese feel cheated by opposition politicians who compromised with Damascus and failed one of their leaders — slain journalist Samir Kassir. “Leave us alone. None of you could protect him,” cried Gisele Khoury, during the funeral of her …

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US shifts towards caution on reform

CAIRO — The US approach to political change in Egypt has shifted in favour of those who advocate caution to keep Islamists out of power until they clarify or modify their policies, diplomats and analysts say. Another school of thought, pressing for rapid change regardless of consequences, appeared to be …

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