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Bush rejects pullout

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — President George W. Bush on Saturday rejected calls for a withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and tried to counter growing impatience with the war by calling it a “vital test” for American security. “The mission isn’t easy, and it will not be accomplished overnight,” Bush said …

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Troops kill 50 Iraqi rebels

KARABILAH (AP) — Helicopter gunships and fighter jets streaked across the desert sky in the hunt for foreign fighters near Syria’s border Saturday as part of two US-Iraqi offensives that have killed 50 insurgents so far in protracted battles. Operation Spear, or Romhe in Arabic, entered its second day in …

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Alegerile pentru cel de-al noualea mandat al Presedintiei Republicii Islamice Iran

In numele lui Dumnezeu Aducem la cunostinta tuturor compatriotilor nostri care locuiesc in Romania ca data fiind desfasurarea alegerilor pentru cel de-al noualea mandat al Presedintiei Republicii Islamice Iran, in data de vineri 17 iunie 2005 , la sediul ambasadei va fi deschisa , intre orele 9.00-19.00 , o urna …

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