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Statul Palestina

” Statul Palestina are o suprafaţă de 27 009 Km pătraÅ£i, fiind situată în inima Orientului Mijlociu ÅŸi se învecinează cu Libanul în Nord, Egiptul în Sud, Siria ÅŸi Iordania în Est, iar la Vest este mărginită de Marea Mediterană. Statul palestinian are o populaÅ£ie de 7.500.000 de locuitori atât …

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Palestinian Authority recruiting unarmed men for Gaza

RAMALLAH (AP) — The Palestinian Authority is moving ahead on securing the coastal Gaza Strip area that Israel is to evacuate this summer, putting out a call for 5,000 new security forces, an interior ministry spokesman said Saturday. But although there are fears Palestinian fighters will fire on Israeli targets …

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Palestinians in a ‘uniquely vulnerable position

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — She had been getting away with it for years. But fate, in the shape of the Israeli border police, finally caught up with JJ, as she always knew it would, at the Qalandiya checkpoint into Ramallah. After what was an apparently random stop, perhaps since she was …

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