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S. Arabia questions citizens handed over by Syria on suspicion of trying to enter Iraq

RIYADH (AP) — Authorities are interrogating more than 30 Saudis who may have been trying to enter Iraq from Syria to join the insurgency, but were sent home at a time when Syria is under heavy American pressure to stop foreign fighters from crossing its borders. Brig. Mansour Al Turki, …

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Rafsanjani pledges ‘interactive’ diplomacy

TEHRAN (AFP) — Leading Iranian presidential candidate Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani released his election manifesto on Monday, promising a “interactive and constructive diplomacy” but without mentioning relations with the United States. In a 24-page “pact with the people,” the top cleric also vowed to “effectively” defend human rights, improve freedom of …

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Don’t rule out Osiraq-like strike — planner

TEL AVIV — Military action would not stop Iran’s nuclear programme but could be a last resort to delay any quest for an atomic bomb, the mastermind of Israel’s 1981 air strike on the Iraqi reactor at Osiraq said on Monday. While Israel and its US ally have not excluded …

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