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Czech Republic Pledges Support for Croatia’s Euro-Atlantic Bids

PRAGUE, Czech Republic — Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic paid a daylong visit to the Czech Republic on Tuesday (31 May) and said Prague fully supports Zagreb’s bids for membership in the EU and NATO. Grabar-Kitarovic met with Czech counterpart Cyril Svoboda and parliamentary officials. …

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Croatian Investigators Searching for Gotovina Wrap Up Visit to Italy

ZAGREB, Croatia — A delegation that included interior ministry representatives has returned from Italy, where they had gone to investigate reports last week that special police had detained fugitive war crimes indictee Ante Gotovina. The reports, which ended up being refuted by both the Italian and Croatian governments, said the …

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Kosovo Adopts New Postal Codes; Belgium Pledges Assistance With Reforms

PRISTINA, Kosovo, Serbia-Montenegro — Kosovo adopted a new system of postal codes on Tuesday (31 May) to speed up mail delivery. Pristina will now use 10000 as its new code instead of the old Yugoslav code of 38000. The new system has been approved by UNMIK’s legal office. In other …

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