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Don’t rule out Osiraq-like strike — planner

TEL AVIV — Military action would not stop Iran’s nuclear programme but could be a last resort to delay any quest for an atomic bomb, the mastermind of Israel’s 1981 air strike on the Iraqi reactor at Osiraq said on Monday. While Israel and its US ally have not excluded …

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Aid agency head arrested after rape report

KHARTOUM (Reuters) — Sudan arrested the local head of an international aid agency on Monday over a report on hundreds of rapes in Darfur in the first such action against a top relief worker since a rebellion in the area began in 2003. Paul Foreman, the country head of the …

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Rival factions fight for key town

MOGADISHU (Reuters) — Rival Somali factions armed with truck-mounted machineguns fought on Monday for control of a town where President Abdullahi Yusuf plans to set up a temporary capital, killing and wounding several people, residents said. Hundreds of militiamen attacked the southern town of Baidoa at about 3:45am (0045 GMT) …

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