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10% cut in UK Iraq troops

BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Iraqi President Jalal Talabani warned political parties on Monday it was vital to accelerate efforts to form a broad government to stop any slide into civil war after bombs killed 52 people in a Shiite Baghdad slum.

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Bush warns Tehran, Damascus

WASHINGTON (AP) — Playing down predictions that Iraq is headed towards civil war, President George W. Bush said Saturday that he’s optimistic a new government will unify the nation. He denounced any moves by Iran or Syria to interfere in Iraq’s effort to build a democracy.

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Russia proposing multilateral talks on Iran

VIENNA (AP) — Russia has proposed that new talks on Iran’s nuclear programme take place March 20, preferably in Vienna, in what diplomats characterised Saturday as an effort to head off a showdown at the UN Security Council.A Western diplomat, who demanded anonymity in exchange for divulging confidential information, said …

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