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Thousands of Sudanese protest against UN force

KHARTOUM (Reuters) — Shouting “Down, Down USA,” thousands of Sudanese protested in Khartoum on Wednesday against any deployment of UN troops to the western Darfur region.”Get out all foreigners, we don’t want you here,” shouted 21-year-old student Zeinab Kheir Al Sir.

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1st Kuwaiti woman minister breaks psychological barrier

KUWAIT CITY — In early March last year, women rights activist Maasuma Al Mubarak was leading a rally outside parliament to press MPs to pass a law enfranchising Kuwaiti women. Three months later, the US-educated liberal academic became Kuwait’s first woman minister, scoring the second coup in as many months …

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Foreign journalists invited to tour Iran in spring

TEHRAN, Mar. 6 (MNA) — A group of foreign journalists has been invited to spend a week touring Iran in spring, the Public Relations Office of the 1st International Conference on Tourism and Handicrafts announced on Monday. The tour is being organized by the conference headquarters and will begin on …

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