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Dedesubtul scandalului caricaturilor

Ahmed Jaber, ziarist roman de origine palestiniana, explica dedesubturile scandalului caricaturilor. Ahmed Jaber precizeaza ca, in religia islamica, prezentarea imaginii profetului Mahomed este interzisa. Dumnezeu, ca o lumina Doar imitarea vocii lui intr-un film este permisa, iar Dumnezeu nu poate fi reprezentat decat ca o lumina. Aceasta este o hotarare …

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Secret U.S. Iraq pact

About two months prior to the invasion of IRAQ, the U.S. PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH told the British Prime Minister TONY BLAIR that America plans to launch a war against IRAQ regardless to the fact that the U.S. nuclear inspectors didn’t find the alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction he claimed …

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Military Council Majlisul Shura: ‘Special operation carried out in Kurchaloi’

Kavkaz Center agency has received via e-mail a statement from the HQ of Military Council Majlisul Shura of CRI in which says that in the evening on February 7, 2006 as a result of special operation of Chechen special services the military base of ‘Vostok’ gang of famous national-traitor Sulim …

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