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Disillusionment among women

BAGHDAD — Safia Taleb Souhail has ambitions to be Iraq’s first woman president one day. A month before a poll in which she hopes to win a parliamentary seat, the former exile is upbeat about women’s rights and democracy.

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Palestinian finance minister’s resignation blow to reform

RAMALLAH — The resignation of much-admired Palestinian Finance Minister Salam Fayyad will deliver a major blow to efforts to attract investment and highlight the limitations of a reform drive, analysts said Sunday. Fayyad has submitted his resignation, it emerged over the weekend, in a move that sources said was the …

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Talabani extends hand to insurgents

2 more Americans, one British soldier killed BAGHDAD (AP) — Insurgent attacks took their toll on coalition forces Sunday, with a roadside bomb killing a British trooper in southern Iraq and a US soldier slain by gunfire northwest of Baghdad. A US Marine also died of wounds, the US command …

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