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Iranian Expert & Iranian Newspaper Criticize Mehlis Report

The Iranian International Expert and Chairman of Eurosweek institution for studies in London Berzou Moujtahed Zada said Monday that report of the International investigation committee on the assassination of former Lebanese premier Rafik al-Hariri raised the astonishment and where it agrees with America and Israel’s accusations against Syria. Iranian news …

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Statement of Damascus Condemns the US Threats and Mehlis Report

Hundreds of Thousands of Damascene took to the streets in a demonstration to protest the international report on the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and support of Syria ‘s stances. The participants raised President Bashar al-Assad’s photos and banners that voice the firm national unity in facing …

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Siria, incoltita de “Raportul Mehlis”

Arta tergiversarii Indulcirea tonului autoritatilor siriene survine intr-un moment extrem de delicat. Concluziile raportului urmeaza a fi discutate maine in Consiliul de Securitate al ONU, care va dezbate si ce masuri punitive se impun. Statele Unite au sustinut aplicarea unor sanctiuni economice, insa, dupa cat se pare, Consiliul s-ar putea …

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