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Baghdad bomb kills 32 youngsters

BAGHDAD (AFP) — Thirty-two Iraqi youngsters, most of them under age 15, were killed Wednesday when a suicide car bomber blew himself up near US soldiers as they handed out chocolates in a Baghdad neighbourhood. Another 31, mostly children, were also wounded in the blast, while a US soldier died …

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Aliantele regionale si refacerea ordinii mondiale

Evoluţii în spaţiul ex-sovietic după Războiul Rece Rolul decisiv în evoluţia situaţiei geopolitice contemporane l -a avut transformarea radicală survenită în societăţile comuniste care a condus la modificarea hărţii politice a Europei după încheierea Razboiului Rece . Practic s-au petrecut modificări ce survin doar la încheierea războaielor propriu-zise. Implozia comunismului …

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Abbas in Syria

DAMASCUS (AFP) — Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Syria on Wednesday for talks with Syrian President Bashar Assad, on his first visit to Damascus since being elected in January. He was greeted at the airport by Foreign Minister Farouq Sharaa and was to meet Assad on Thursday, during a …

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