The European Union enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn urged Bosnian authorities to adopt a census law, warning that a failure to do so could affect the country’s position in the international community. “The lack of a census in 2011 would be unfortunate for Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of its EU …
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Nabucco Pipeline Future Uncertain
The future of the Nabucco pipeline project is still not certain, an executive of Austrian energy giant OMV told reporters on Wednesday. Between July and October 2010, an open season bidding process for transport capacity in the planned pipeline will be held. The future of the project will then be …
Read More »Greece “Unhappy” After Annulment of Border Deal
Greek Alternative Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas said Athens was displeased with the annulment of a territorial agreement which delineates the continental shelf between Albania and Greece in the Ionian Sea. The agreement was annulled on Wednesday by Albania’s constitutional court, which argued that it had serious legal flaws. “It is …
Read More »Albania-Greece teritorial agreement annuled
Albania’s constitutional court annulled on Tuesday a territorial agreement signed with Greece which delineates the continental shelf between the two countries in the Ionian Sea, arguing that it had serious legal flaws. “In the agreement there are procedural and substantive infractions of the [Albanian] constitution and of the the 1982 …
Read More »Croatia yet to hand over Storm documents
Hague Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz says that Croatia’s cooperation regarding a request for military documents is yet to produce desired results. The Hague prosecution’s request pertains to artillery log from the 1995 military and police onslaught against the country’s Serb areas, known as “Operation Storm”. Addressing the European Parliament foreign …
Read More »Romania will open an agency for granting Romanian citizenship
On Friday, January 29, the Romanian Government will adopt an emergency ordinance, which requires opening a special agency for granting Romanian citizenship in Bucharest and territorial units as Iasi, Galati, Suceava, Cluj and Timisoara.
Read More »Romania will give a grant of 100 million dollars to Moldova
Traian Basescu mentioned Romania will give for Moldova a grant of100 million dollars during 4 years, each year per 25 million, for development.
Read More »Greece, Austria in Balkan integration plan
Austria and Greece have started an initiative for getting all Western Balkan countries into the European Union by 2014. These two countries submitted a letter to EU Foreign and Security Policies Chief Catherine Ashton and EU member-state foreign ministers, stating that it is their goal to get all the countries …
Read More »Predlažu četiri člana Predsjedništva BiH
Stranka za BiH uputila je jučer u parlamentarnu proceduru amandmane na Ustav BiH kojima se predlaže da Predsjedništvo BiH ima četiri člana, umjesto sadašnja tri, te formiranje i četvrtog kluba u Domu naroda parlamenta BiH. Na ove funkcije bili bi birani kandidati iz reda ostalih, a Stranka za BiH amandmanima …
Read More »Traian Băsescu: “We shall sign a partnership agreement”
Traian Băsescu: “We agreed to sign a partnership, which presumes Moldova’s integration in the EU, in order to speed the process, and to include Moldova inside the group of the west Balkans countries”.
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