King Abdullah on Thursday reiterated Jordan’s support for all efforts meant to preserve the stability and unity of Iraq and bring an end to the violence and chaos plaguing the neighbouring country.
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300 young men join Mujahideen, munafiqs say
Human rights activist Tatyana Lokshina, who has recently visited the occupied Chechnya, told to the “Caucasus Knot” journalists that more 300 young men joined Chechen Mujahideen.
Read More »Somalia Mujahideen use new landmine tactic
The Mujahideen in Somalia have discovered a chilling new use for landmines by detonating them where troops gather for formation that put into action the words of the Leader of Islamic Courts who has rejected a “peace offer” from the US-installed puppet government, along with the Mujahideen who have promised …
Read More »Details of the battle in the Tazen-Kala area
As Kavkaz Center’s source reports with reference to a spokesman of the Staff of the Eastern Front of the CRI Armed Forces, a unit of the Mujahideen numbering 40 fighters attacked a force from the pro-Moscow bandit formation “Vostok” near the village of Tazen-Kala on 23 July.
Read More »IEA extend Korean deadline amid heavy fighting
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban appear to be making progress in negotiations at least getting a response from the so-called Deputy Interior Minister and have extended the deadline on the Koreans until 12:00 noon Friday amid reports of heavy fighting throughout the country.
Read More »Egypt says it’s stepping up crackdown on copyright piracy after US criticism
Egypt is stepping up efforts to control rampant piracy of copyrighted material, officials said Thursday, after the United States put the country on a watch list of 12 countries that could bring economic sanctions.
Read More »North Korea head of state arrives in Egypt
North Korean de facto head of state Kim Jong-Nam arrived in Egypt on Thursday for a visit that will include talks with President Hosni Mubarak, the official MENA news agency reported.
Read More »Egypt: Suez Canal Revenues Increase
Revenues from Egypt’s Suez Canal have risen 9.7 percent this year to $4.17 billion, said the canal’s chief Thursday.
Read More »PSD agita iar motiunea
Liderii PSD au fluturat din nou sperietoarea motiunii de cenzura daca Guvernul nu va aloca bani primarilor social-democrati. Amenintarea a mai fost folosita de pesedisti la sfarsitul lunii iunie, pretextul invocat la acea vreme fiind o eventuala neadoptare a legii pensiilor.
Read More »Codul de Procedură Penală: Inculpatul îşi va putea negocia pedeapsa cu procurorul
Inculpatul va putea să negocieze cu procurorul o pedeapsă mai mică. Este doar una dintre schimbările, aprobate ieri de Guvern, care vor fi aduse noului Cod de Procedură Penală. Negocierea între cele două părÅ£i, inculpat – procuror, se va numi “acord de recunoaÅŸtere a vinovăţiei” ÅŸi se va aplica doar …
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