A Mideast peace conference called for by President Bush will take place in September on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York, an Egyptian envoy said Thursday.
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Egypt sends aid to Palestinian border
Egypt on Thursday said it had sent medical and food aid to thousands of Palestinians stranded for over a month in increasingly dire conditions on the border with the Gaza Strip.
Read More »bmi announces new service between Cairo and London Heathrow
bmi, Heathrow’s second largest carrier, has today announced that it will launch a new daily service from Cairo to London Heathrow with effect from 28 October this year.
North Korea attracted a huge investment in its cement plant from a big Egyptian construction company, one of the largest private investments in the reclusive country amid reconciliatory moves between Pyongyang and Washington and progress towards the North’s denuclearization.
Read More »Perchezitii in Bulgaria
Surse din cadrul serviciilor de securitate bulgare au declarat pentru mass-media din această ţară că unităţi speciale ale poliţiei de la Sofia au percheziţionat sediile mai multor moschei şi fundaţii religioase musulmane din regiunea oraşului Razgrad.
Read More »Situatia femeii musulmane si problema islamista
Relatia dintre femei şi Islam este o relaţie controversată. Există percepţia conform căreia ele sunt prin lege oprimate şi persecutate.
Read More »Băsescu a convocat ÅŸedinÅ£a CSAT
Îndeplinirea obiectivelor procesului de transformare a forţelor armate conform statutului României de stat membru NATO şi UE, angajamentele asumate de către România faţă de aceste organisme internaţionale sunt incluse pe ordinea de zi a şedinţei CSAT de astăzi, convocate de către Traian Băsescu.
Read More »Åžapte turiÅŸti români au murit într-un accident în Ungaria
Şapte români au murit în accidentul produs joi dimineaţă în coliziunea dintre un autobuz şi un trailer în sud-estul Ungariei, şoferul trailerului fiind şi el tot român, a declarat pentru NewsIn Consulul general al României la Szeged, Constantin Aron.
Read More »Bulgaria pushes for jailed medics’ return
Bulgaria said on Wednesday (July 18th) it is sending an official request to Tripoli for the transfer of five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor convicted of deliberately infecting more than 400 Libyan children with HIV.
Read More »Serbia’s Jeremic tells OSCE that fast EU accession is priority for Serbia
Speaking to the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Tuesday (July 17th), Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said expedited EU accession is his country’s top priority. Jeremic said he believed entry into the bloc is the ultimate goal for all countries in the region, spurring co-operation.
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