A civilian grand jury is investigating the deaths of two detainees at a U.S. jail in Afghanistan nearly 5 years ago, according to current and former service members who said they’ve testified.
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Taliban deadline looms with fears for 21 South Korean hostages
A noon deadline imposed on 21 surviving South Korean hostages kidnapped by the Taliban approached Wednesday with negotiations apparently deadlocked and international concern growing.
Read More »Police find body of 2nd slain SKorean
Police at daybreak Tuesday discovered the body of a second South Korean hostage slain by the Taliban, officials said. A purported Taliban spokesman had said the hostage was killed because the Afghan government failed to release imprisoned insurgents
Read More »New pressure after Taliban says second South Korean killed
Efforts to save the lives of South Koreans being held by Afghanistan’s hardline Taliban militia took on new urgency Tuesday after the rebels said they had killed a second hostage.
Read More »Vanghelie: Nu putem fi de acord ca toate tunurile din Capitală să le facă Videanu
Marian Vanghelie îl atacă din nou pe primarul Capitalei, Adriean Videanu, acuzându-l de “ÅŸmecherii” în ceea ce priveÅŸte privatizarea abatorului “Splai”.
Read More »Gallup: Băsescu scade, Tăriceanu urcă în topul încrederii
Premierul câştigă puncte la capitolul încredere, arată un sondaj de opinie realizat luna aceasta de institutul Gallup şi comandat de Fundaţia Societatea Civilă. Sondajul arată, de asemenea, că românii, în mare lor majoritate, sunt de acord cu majorarea pensiilor.
Read More »Azerbaijan calls on Albania to stop illicit weapons sales
Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov contacted his Albanian counterpart, Lulzim Basha, regarding the sale of weapons to Armenia, Azeri Press Agency (APA) reported on Friday (July 27th).
Read More »International community pushes for BiH to adopt Higher Education Law
In a joint statement issued Friday (July 27th) the international organisations in BiH — the Office of the High Representative (OHR), the Council of Europe (CoE), the European Commission (EC), the World Bank, the OSCE and the UN — urged the state parliament to adopt the Higher Education Law and …
Read More »Croatia to expand firefighting fleet
Croatia will buy five firefighting planes to improve its ability to cope with wildfires, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader said Sunday (July 29th). The country will get a Canadair water-carrying aircraft and three air tractor planes, Sanader said, adding that the government has earmarked 75m euros for fire-fighting activities this year.
Read More »Nine buried in Serbia after gunman’s rampage
The nine victims killed in the eastern Serbian village of Jabukovac on Friday night were buried by their families on Sunday (July 29th). Five men and four women were shot dead by 38-year-old Nikola Radosavljevic, who began opening fire after a quarrel with his wife.
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