NATO spokesman says the alliance wants U.S. missile-defense plans to be transparent to Russia. James Appathurai, speaking after the opening of the annual NATO defense ministers’ meeting in Brussels on June 14, said all NATO ministers wanted to avoid tensions and do everything possible to allay Russian concerns.
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Military operation to continue in Somalia
In a closed-door meeting with his cabinet ministers Thursday, Somalia’s puppet prime minister Ali Mohammed Gedi said there were no casualties in the Ethiopian and Somalia troops after unknown gunmen attacked their military bases in at least three neighborhoods of the Somali capital overnight.
Read More »Hamas defies Abbas, continues to function
The deposed Palestinian prime minister from Hamas has defied Mahmoud Abbas, the president from rival faction Fatah, calling his sacking and declaration of an emergency “hasty” and pledging that his government will continue to function.
Read More »Hamas takes full control of Gaza
An uneasy calm has returned to the Gaza Strip where Hamas is in full control following a series of attacks on key strongholds of its rival, Fatah.
Read More »Egypt to respond idea of deploying international troops in Gaza: FM
Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Thursday said that the idea of deploying international troops in the Gaza Strip was worth of discussion.
Read More »Fatah police officers flee to Egypt
El Arish – Ninety-nine Palestinian police officers loyal to the Fatah movement fled to Egypt on Thursday as the rival Hamas group took control of most of the Gaza Strip, an Egyptian security official said.
Read More »ÃŽn PSD, Geoană îi caută prietenia lui Năstase, Vanghelie propune excluderi
Preşedintele PSD, Mircea Geoană, l-a contactat telefonic, ieri dimineaţă, pe fostul premier Adrian Năstase, pentru a-i cere ultima carte intitulată „România europeană. Un proiect politic social-democrat†şi pentru a găsi, împreună, o formulă de a colabora pe proiecte şi programe similare.
Read More »Traian Băsescu – socotit capul răutăţilor în criza politică
PD ar câştiga detaşat alegerile europarlamentare din acest an, relevă un sondaj Data Media, realizat la comanda Institutul Pro, în perioada 25-29 mai, pe un eşantion de 1.200 persoane, având o marjă de eroare de +/- 2,7%.
Read More »Senatorii ÅŸi-au semnat condamnarea la muncă
Pesediştii i-au aplicat, ieri, prima lovitură serioasă Guvernului Tăriceanu: în Senat au picat legea de abilitare a Executivului de a emite ordonanţe pe perioada vacanţei parlamentare.
Read More »Videanu ÅŸi Frunzăverde – uÅŸierii lui Becali la popularii europeni
Democratii pun umarul ca Gigi Becali ÅŸi partidul său, PNG, să devină „populariâ€. Surse din conducerea PD susÅ£in că Becali ÅŸi PNG au cerut sprijin pentru afilierea la Partidul Popular European (PPE) ÅŸi s-a convenit ca ajutorul să fie acordat.
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