OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel said Saturday that it has asked “friendly Muslim countries†to contribute troops to a UN force that is to help patrol southern Lebanon to prevent a new outbreak of violence between Israel and Hizbollah fighters.
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Iran launches nuclear plant days before UN deadline
ARAK (Reuters) — Iran’s president launched a new phase in the Arak heavy-water reactor project on Saturday, saying Tehran would not give up its right to nuclear technology despite Western fears it aims to make atomic bombs.
Read More »Little room for talks with Tehran
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration may be on the verge of getting what it has long sought: United Nations sanctions on a defiant Iran over its accelerated nuclear programme.
Read More »Heavily bombed south Beirut tries to clean up
BEIRUT — The bitter smell of burned plastic is carried on the wind with the choking dust churned up by a noisy backhoe that rattles and scrapes at a small mountain of rubble.
Read More »Comunicat de Presa al Ambasadei Republicii Islamice Iran la BucureÅŸti privid conflictul dintre compania iraniana si cea romaneasca
Din nefericire, ieri am fost martorii publicării si difuzării de către diverse   surse   mass   media   a  unor  informaÅ£ii  unilaterale   si neadevarate  referitoare  la  atacul  forÅ£elor  iraniene  asupra  unei platforme petroliere romaneÅŸti aflata in Golful Persic. Åžtirile apărute in presa nu au avut alt scop decit crearea unei atmosfere tensionate, distrugerea …
DezminÅ£irea Ambasadei Republicii Islamice Iran in legătura cu folosirea forÅ£ei armate impotriva platformei petroliere “Orizont” In vederea clarificării opiniei publice din România cu privire la divergentele apărute intre compania iraniana si cea romanesca, E.S. Dl. Aii Akbar Farazi, Ambasador al Republicii Islamice Iran la BucureÅŸti a susÅ£inut ieri, 23 august …
Read More »Syria, Israel in showdown over UN force mandate
BEIRUT (AP) — Syria hotly opposed deployment of an international force along its border to prevent arms shipments to Hizbollah, and Israel on Wednesday called the situation in Lebanon “explosiveâ€, as the ceasefire was shaken by artillery shells and explosions that killed three Lebanese soldiers and an Israeli.
Read More »Saddam’s trial adjourned until September 11
BAGHDAD (AP) — Kurds on Wednesday told of entire families killed in chemical weapons attacks against their villages in the 1980s, saying survivors plunged their faces into milk to end the pain from the blinding gas or fled into the hills on mules as military helicopters fired on them.
Read More »Unknown group claims Gaza kidnapping of Fox journalists
Two Western journalists kidnapped in Gaza earlier this month were shown in footage released yesterday by a previously unknown group calling themselves the Holy Jihad Brigades.
Read More »US says Iran nuclear response fell short of Security Council’s demand
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The United States said on Wednesday that Iran’s request for talks fell short of the UN Security Council’s demand for it to halt its nuclear programme.
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