The western sanctions weapon is not new to Syria, but since 2019 it has become a lethal one, destroying entire Syrian sectors and killing its people. Some 83 years after being employed against Germany in 1940, economic sanctions have become the most widely-used tool in Washington’s arsenal to coerce adversarial …
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Pentagon responsible for Iraq and Afghanistan wars: Former US defense secretary
More than one million Iraqis were killed as the result of the US-led invasion, and subsequent occupation of the country Christopher C. Miller, a former acting head of the Pentagon, said on 9 February that senior military figures in the US should be held accountable for the failed wars in …
Read More »Neoliberalism’s GDP Hoax and its Costly Consequences: Time for a different ‘Development’ paradigm?
It is true that economic growth – meaning rising GDP – is one of the key indicators of rising prosperity in a society though as the Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz also reminds that “Maximising GDP is not same as maximising wellbeing” puts to question the merit of overemphasis that are …
Read More »March Against The War Machine: Hundreds Join Anti-War Rally In Washington DC
Hundreds of protesters gathered in Washington, DC Sunday for the ‘March Against the War Machine’ rally, with a number of prominent speakers from across the political spectrum of U.S. calling on the U.S. government to end its military support of Ukraine in favor of diplomacy, and slashing the Pentagon budget …
Read More »Anti-War Duck and Cover
As the nuclear “Doomsday Clock” inches towards midnight, peace, anti-war and Climate Crisis activists took the streets today across the country to protest their “Rage against the War Machine” demanding substantive de-escalation of the Russian-Ukraine war and calling for “Not one penny for war in Ukraine” while emphatically calling for …
Read More »Kurti: Veoma sam optimističan da će konačni sporazum sa Srbijom biti postignut ove godine
Kosovski premijer Aljbin Kurti rekao je večeras u intervjuu francuskoj televiziji „Frans 24“ da je „veoma optimističan“ da će konačni sporazum sa Srbijom biti postignut ove godine, ali je dodao da će sledeći sastanak u Briselu pokazati čemu možemo da se nadamo u 2023. „Mislim da će sledeći sastanak u …
Read More »Sanda Rašković Ivić: Kosovo još nije oteto, Srbija ne sme dobrovoljno da učestvuje u otimanju
Poslanica Narodne stranke Sanda Rašković Ivić izjavila je danas da Kosovo i Metohija „još nije oteto“ i da Srbija ne sme da dobrovoljno učestvuje u otimanju dela svoje teritorije i prihvati sporazum po kojem bi samoproglašeno Kosovo postalo član UN. „Kada nešto date, onda je gotovo, a ako vam neko …
Read More »DPK i DSK traže da Kurti bude ispitan o slučaju nestanka uzoraka Astrita Deharija
Predstavnici Demokratske partije (DPK) i Demokratskog saveza Kosova (DSK) zatražili su danas da Specijalno tužilaštvo ispita premijera Kosova Aljbina Kurtija o slučaju nestanka uzoraka preminulog aktiviste pokreta Samoopredeljenje Astrita Deharija. Poslanica DSK Doarsa Kica-Dželjilji postavila je na Fejsbuku postavila nekoliko pitanja o tome da li su uzorci izgubljeni ili namerno …
Read More »„Potpisivanjem francusko-nemačkog plana stvara se velika Albanija“: Održana tribina „Ne kapitulaciji! Ne ultimatumu!“ u Nišu
Potpisivanje francusko-nemačkog plana za Kosovo značilo bi secesiju južne srpske pokrajine i stvaranje velike Albanije, ocenili su danas na tribini u Nišu predstavnici Dveri, Nove Demokratske stranke Srbije, Pokreta obnove Kraljevine Srbije i Zavetnici. Predsednik Novog DSS-a Miloš Jovanović rekao je da je Aleksandar Vučić već u dva navrata rekao …
Read More »The Developing World’s Coming Debt Crisis
America and China Need to Cooperate on Relief In April 2020, with the global economy going into free fall, the risk of developing countries defaulting on their debts grew acute. The leaders of the G-20—a group of the world’s largest economies—quickly put in place an initiative that would suspend debt …
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