When one thinks of US Partners in the Middle East which relationship is the most crucial right now? Which relationship currently causes the most controversy? The same answer to each question will often arise. Some will say Israel others will say Saudi Arabia. The same answers will arise when one …
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Syria: The War Has Not Ended
Another claimant to victory [for ending the war in Syria] was Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who managed to milk the European Union cow to the tune of $5 billion while seizing control of enough Syrian oilfields and mines to ensure a steady revenue stream in what amounts to international …
Read More »Why Is America Desperate to Talk to China After Balloon Intrusion?
There are many things wrong about Austin’s attempts to communicate with Wei. As an initial matter, Wei’s rank is far below Austin’s. Our defense secretary should insist, when he talks, to talk to the people in charge. Americans are big on “dialogue.” They believe as an article of faith, that …
Read More »“Si la Russie gagne, nous serons en danger” : la peur de la Pologne motive son soutien à l’Ukraine
La guerre en Ukraine a mis en lumière les États baltes et les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale, géographiquement les plus proches de la Russie, notamment la Pologne. Varsovie est déterminé à tirer les leçons de sa propre histoire et à aider l’Ukraine à gagner la guerre. Depuis que la …
Read More »Iran’s Military at the Panama Canal: Significant National Security Threat
Iran’s military presence at the Panama Canal, the major maritime chokepoint in the Western Hemisphere — which is controlled by America’s main enemy, China — is a serious national security threat to the United States in more ways than one. “Iran has been aggressively strengthening its ties to the Western …
Read More »INTERVJU Erik Gordi: Vučić i Kurti svesni da moraju da naprave kompromis
Jedna stvar koja promenila sve u Evropi je rat u Ukrajini, ističe na početku razgovora za Danas Erik Gordi, profesor na Univerzitetskom koledžu u Londonu i stručnjak za jugoistočnu Evropu. Kako objašnjava, Evropa nikada sebe nije smatrala bezbednosnom i vojnom unijom. On podseća da je EU nastala kao ekonomski dogovor …
Read More »Sonja Biserko: Realno je da Vučić i Kurti u Briselu, krajem marta, potpišu evropski predlog sporazuma
Predsednik Srbije, Aleksandar Vučić, prvi je najavio saglasnost sa novim evro-američkim konceptom pregovora čiji ram određuju zahtev Beogradu da ne sprečava ulazak Kosova u sve međunarodne organizacije, i zahtev Prištini da konačno formira Zajednicu srpskih opština – kaže za Danas Boško Jakšić, spoljno politički analitičar. Komentarišući najave iz Brisela da …
Read More »Mijatović o Dodiku: Možeš ga voljeti ili ne, ali on je posvećen svojoj ideji i politici 100%
Mijatović je svog nekadašnjeg stranačkog šefa uporedio sa bh. liderima Potpredsjednik SDP-a Vojin Mijatović komentarisao je predsjednika bh. entiteta Rpublika Srpska i lidera SNSD-a Milorada Dodika. Naime, Mijatović je na Twitteru uporedio aktivnost Dodika sa bosanskohercegovačkim liderima. Mijatović ističe da Dodika možeš voljeti ili ne, ali da on radi 24 …
Read More »Poslednja šansa
U dobroj kafani, pred kraj radnog vremena, pristojni konobari priđu gostima i obaveste ih da se upravo toči – poslednja tura. Pa upitaju da li bi možda popili još jedno piće, pre nego što zatvore lokal i svoju fiskalnu kasu. U pitanju je zgodna alegorija za odnos SUR Evropa prema …
Read More »On the Third World Colonialism
Bryan Pfaffenberger and his stock are continuing the Western traditions of confusing or at the least misunderstanding the life in South Asia, its various nations and cultures, as also the values, and make much ado about the ‘Fourth World Colonialism’.1 We are to encounter many apparitions which the myth-making of …
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