The so-called Bashiqa base, which has long been a source of tension between Ankara and Baghdad, is a frequent target of rocket attacks by pro-Iranian groups in Iraq. Series of rockets targeted a Turkish military base near the northeastern Iraqi city of Mosul on Wednesday, prompting retaliation from the Turkish …
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NATO Secretary General Seeks Increased Alliances as Russia and China Inches Closer
Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary-General of NATO, has stated that the increased presence of China and its cooperation with Russia can be seen as a danger in Asia and Europe. On Wednesday, Stoltenberg stressed that the increasing assertiveness of China and its partnership with Russia poses a risk to Asia and Europe. …
Read More »Syrians fear IS resurgence as Kurdish-led forces sweep Raqa
From his rooftop in the Syrian city of Raqa, Youssef Nasser watches nervously as hundreds of heavily armed Kurdish-led fighters sweep the streets of what was once the de facto capital of the Islamic State group. The fighters are on guard against another guerrilla-style ambush after six of their comrades …
Read More »Eight rockets fired at Turkish base in Iraq – Kurdish security group
Unidentified attackers fired eight rockets at a Turkish military base in northern Iraq on Wednesday, two of which landed inside, the Counter-Terrorism Group, a security organisation in Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region, said. Turkey confirmed that the attack took place and vowed to retaliate. “From time to time, there are some …
Read More »Frontière Niger-Mali : mettre l’outil militaire au service d’une approche politique
Le primat donné aux réponses militaires et le recours à des groupes armés à base communautaire pour combattre les mouvements jihadistes implantés dans la zone frontalière entre le Niger et le Mali n’ont fait qu’accentuer les tensions intercommunautaires. Les autorités nigériennes doivent adopter une approche plus politique, incluant réconciliation entre …
Read More »Isfahan drone attack linked to Iraqi Kurdistan, Iran state media reveals
On January 29, there were four explosions at the site, all of which appeared to specifically target a facility developing advanced weapons. The explosive materials used to attack the Islamic Republic’s Isfahan facility on Sunday entered Iran via Iraqi Kurdistan by order of a foreign agency, Iranian state-affiliated site NourNews …
Read More »Vučić uoči Skupštine o Kosovu: U francusko-nemačkom planu nema rokova, iako bi svi voleli „da bude sutra“
Bilo bi dobro kada bi se u Skupštini Srbije postiglo veće jedinstvo na sednici posvećenoj Kosovu i Metohiji, ali ne verujem u to jer mnogi misle da kada je Srbiji teško, da je nekima prilika da se dočepaju političkih poena i vlasti, izjavio je danas predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić i …
Read More »Šta će Vučić smeti da obelodani u Skupštini Srbije iz tajnog francusko-nemačkog predloga?
Tajni francusko-nemački predlog zapadnih diplomata o uređenju odnosa Srbije i Kosova pročitali su samo pregovarači i sva je prilika da poslanici Skupštine Srbije ni tokom plenarne rasprave, koja počinje sutra neće saznati neke nove detalje o tom predlogu, osim onih koje su pročitali u raznim medijima.
Read More »INTERVJU Daniel Smit: Vučić mora da shvati da priznanje nezavisnosti Kosova nije stvar kompromisa, već priznanje realnosti
-Pojačane su aktivnosti Rusije na destabilizaciji Balkana, o čemu najbolje govori prisustvo Vagner plaćenika i formacije “Noćni vukovi” na barikadama koje su strukture Srbije bile postavile po Vučićevom nalogu na severu Kosova, kaže u razgovoru za Danas Daniel Smit, nezavisni stručnjak za međunarodne odnose i bezbednost sa fokusom na zemlje …
Read More »Da li je odsustvo Porfirija znakovito i šta on očekuje od Amerikanaca: Patrijarh na putu u SAD dok se diže prašina zbog Kosova
Iako su SPC i njen poglavar patrijarh Porfirije uvek tu da „pruže utehu, zaštitu i oprost“ lideru SNS, Aleksandru Vučiću, koji obavlja i funkciju predsednika Srbije, ovog puta je Vučić sam pred verujućom i neverujućom javnošću posle susreta s „velikom petorkom“ i utimatumom koji je pred njega stavljen da prihvati …
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