Serbian and Croatian Presidents Boris Tadić and Ivo Josipović said that they are ready to work on solving all open questions between the two countries. Tadić said that Josipović’s first visit to Belgrade on Sunday is a historical one. Josipović said that he supports the path of all of Croatia’s …
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Sofismele de după Decretul Ghimpu
„Datoria imperativă nu se confundă cu o eliberare politică, ci cu eliberarea spiritului, cu dezrobirea de sub minciuna impusă” (Aleksandr Soljeniţîn) Inevitabilul s-a produs. Decretul Ghimpu a răscolit minţile, spiritele şi laşităţile multora. Reacţiile enervate şi criticile iritate au culminat cu o decizie „istorică” a Curţii Constituţionale (CC), din 12 …
Read More »Georgian President: Azerbaijan, Georgia create working group to develop Asia-Europe transport corridor
Azerbaijan and Georgia will create a joint working group to develop the transport corridor from Asia to Europe through Georgia and Azerbaijan, the Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said at a joint press conference with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev yesterday in Batumi.
Read More »Bulgaria Ratifies Serbia’s SAA
Bulgaria has become the first country in the region and the third EU member state to ratify Serbia’s Stabilisation and Association Agreement, SAA, with the EU. Bringing together majority and opposition parties in the Bulgarian parliament, the agreement was officially ratified on Friday.
Read More »IMF: Greece made progress in austerity reforms
Greece has achieved “considerable progress” in recovering its public finances, the IMF said in a report on Saturday. However, there are still “clear risks” facing the country’s healthcare and social security system, according
Read More »Former Turkish presidential advisor named to NATO post
NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen named former Turkish presidential advisor Huseyin Dirioz as the organisation’s deputy secretary-general in charge of defence and planning on Friday (July 16th). The move came following a promise Rasmussen made when he took the post in 2009 to appoint a Turkish citizen as his deputy.
Read More »EULEX rejects US extradition request
EULEX judges on Friday rejected a US request for the extradition of a Kosovo Albanian suspected of terrorism. A three-member panel denied the request to extradite Bajram Asllani, citing several grounds, including the
Read More »Serbia reiterates opposition against Kosovo
Serbian President Boris Tadic reiterated on Saturday that Serbia is ready for a compromise on Kosovo, but he stressed that Belgrade will never recognise its independence. “Nobody should force us to make that choice,” he
Read More »Utvrdiće jesu li policajci štitili Harisa Čauševića
SARAJEVO Policijski komesar Srednjobosanskog kantona naredio je istragu o odgovornosti policije u Bugojnu za propuste koji su mogli dovesti do terorističkog napada na policijsku stanicu u ovom gradu. U okviru istrage biće provjereno i da li je Haris Čaušević, zvani Oks, jedan od osumnjičenih za ovaj napad izvršen 27. juna, …
Read More »Špirić: Islamski kapital u BiH podržava terorizam
SARAJEVO Predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara BiH Nikola Špirić izjavio je u četvrtak da kapital iz islamskih banaka investiran u našu zemlju ne služi razvoju nego pomaže razvoju radikalnog islama, koji je povezan s terorizmom. Špirić smatra i da u BiH ne postoji politička volja za borbu protiv terorizma. “Problem terorizma nećemo …
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