Protests have continued in Greece as Euro zone finance ministers said they have agreed a way to help the cash-strapped country. Over recent weeks stringent government spending cuts have been urged by the EU bloc to deal with the country’s massive deficit.
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Macedonia should not make thing harder than they already are: US ambassador to Macedonia
“The identity is yours and it is not changing. Macedonia should point at the priorities like security, prosperity, setting up of the values and accession to the EU,” said the U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia Philip Reeker. Reeker made the statement at a public lecture is the FON University in Skopje.
Read More »Greek position is clear and supported by many countries: Greek deputy FM
We are far away from the time when the UN Mediator on the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia Matthew Nimetz will make a new proposal on the issue, said Greek deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitris Drucas Macedonian. In his words many countries are aware of Greek position and …
Read More »OSCE: Detention Reasoning Insufficient in Kosovo Courts
In a newly released report the OSCE mission in Kosovo claims that Kosovo courts fail to adequately justify decisions ordering detention, saying that this shortcoming breaches international legal standards and domestic law.
Read More »Slovenia hopes Serbia will attend the planned conference
It would be important for the success of the planned conference in Slovenia if the Serbian president attended, says a Slovenian embassy in Belgrade official. This would be significant, Jadranka Šturm-Kocjan stated, for cooperation in the region, mutual relations and dialogues between the Western Balkans countries.
Read More »Venice Commission: Moldovan Parliament has to be dissolved
Moldovan Parliament has to be dissolved, and parliamentary anticipated elections have to take place. This is the statement of European experts, following a Venice Commission letter addressed to governing parties. According to European experts, the failure of president` s designation
Read More »UE considera ca Grecia nu va avea nevoie de sprijin financiar
Ministrii de finante din zona euro, reuniti luni, la Bruxelles, pentru a discuta un posibil plan de salvare al Greciei, au anuntat ca au ajnuns la un acord, fara a oferi insa prea multe detalii. Premierul luxemburghez, Jean – Claude Juncker, presedintele grupului ministrilor de finante din zona euro, a …
Read More »Oružje
Rješavanje viška naoružanja i municije godinama je aktuelan problem u BiH na koji upozoravaju sve relevantne institucije. Oružane snage BiH naslijedile su velike količine oružja od nekadašnjih entitetskih vojski kojem je istekao rok važnosti, stoga je ovo oružje postalo nestabilno i opasno. Njegovo uništenje je jedan od ključnih prioriteta odbrambenih …
Read More »Vatrogasac iz Lukavca poginuo u Avganistanu
SARAJEVO, LUKAVAC Almir Biković (32) iz Lukavca poginuo je jučer rano ujutro u raketnom napadu koji su na najveću američku vojnu bazu u Afganistanu izveli talibani. Ovaj Lukavčanin, koji je u bazu Bagram Air Field, sjeverno od glavnog grada Kabula, došao kao uposlenik američke kompanije KBR, tri godine je radio …
Read More »NATO delegation to visit Macedonia
NATO delegation, headed by Admiral Mark Fitzgerald will kick off its 2-day visit to Macedonia on Tuesday. Admiral Fitzgerald is slated to meet with Macedonian Defense Minister Zoran Konjanovski and General Staff Chief Miroslav
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