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Egypt says Palestinians aided Sinai attackers

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt on Tuesday accused Palestinians of helping finance and train members of an Egyptian militant group that carried out a string of bombings at Sinai tourist resorts, the first direct link it has made between the terror attacks and the stormy Gaza Strip.

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Washington presses Olmert to talk to Abbas

US House overwhelmingly backs bill to brand PA ‘terrorist sanctuary,’ further restrict aid WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met President George W. Bush on Tuesday facing US pressure to hold “serious talks” with moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and bypass the Hamas-led government.

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Pare un blestem, dar, oricât ai încerca să ocoleÅŸti subiectul „gripa aviară” tot cu el te întâlneÅŸti. Nici nu e greu. Românii au uitat de fotbal, politică, bârfe, telenovele ÅŸi discută doar despre H5N1. VeÅŸtile sunt alarmante, iar debandada – totală. Autorităţile nu reuÅŸesc să depăşească etapa „românească” a luptei …

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Ungaria ÅŸi Slovacia neagă posibilitatea ca păsări infectate să fi ajuns în România. Potrivit Radio România Actualităţi, oficiali ai celor două ţări au declarat că este exclus ca păsările importate din ţările lor să fie infectate, pentru că la ei funcÅ£ionează sistemul de monitorizare a gripei aviare impus de Uniunea …

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Mubarak chides US over nuke double standards, unilateralism

SHARM EL SHEIKH (AP) — Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak opened the World Economic Forum on Saturday with a series of indirect but pointed jabs at the United States, warning also that the world must overcome the widening gap between rich and poor, and block escalating threats of terrorism. With US-Egyptian …

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Israeli air strike kills 4 in Gaza

Palestinian intelligence chief seriously wounded in blast as Abbas announces dialogue with Hamas  Agencies   AN ISRAELI AIR strike in Gaza killed four Palestinians, including a top Islamic Jihad fighter, on Saturday, prompting calls of revenge by the armed group to continue targeting Israel in rocket attacks.

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Textul scrisorii lui Ahmadinejad catre Bush

  الامريكي‌         ¼br />   ………………………………….                   ¼br /> ط‌هران‌/  9  ايار /  مايو/  ارنا                         ¼br />   وجه‌ رئيس‌ الجمهوريه‌ الاسلاميه‌ الايرانيه‌ محمود احمدي‌ نجاد …

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Textul scrisorii lui Ahmadinejad catre Bush

The following is the full text of Ahmadinejad’s letter to George Bush:  “In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Mr George Bush, President of the United States of America, For sometime now I have been thinking, how one can justify the undeniable contradictions that exist in the international …

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Chavez visits Libya for talks with Qadhafi

TRIPOLI (AP) — Oil-rich Venezuela’s anti-American president, recently slapped with a US arms embargo, was given a warm welcome to the Libyan capital Wednesday by Col. Muammar Qadhafi, whose authoritarian regime was only just removed from Washington’s list of countries that sponsor terrorism.

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