BAGHDAD (AP) — Breaking down in tears, a Kurdish woman testified Tuesday in the genocide trial of Saddam Hussein, describing how foul smoke billowed across her village, blinding residents, in a 1987 poison gas attack and how her male relatives disappeared at a prison camp.
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Tehran ready for ‘serious’ nuclear talks
TEHRAN (Reuters) — Iran handed over its formal response on Tuesday to a nuclear incentives offer from major powers and said it contained ideas that would allow serious talks about its standoff with the West to start immediately.
Read More »Relief aid pour into Lebanon after ceasefire
BEIRUT (AFP) — Food, bedding and other emergency supplies are pouring into war-battered Lebanon since a ceasefire took effect more than a week ago, United Nations relief officials say.
Read More »For farmer-turned-Hizbollah fighter, zeal undiminished
SRIFA — When not fighting under the Hizbollah banner, Abu Hadi is a farmer whose faith in the movement appears unshaken by the destruction of his village and the deaths of his relatives.
Read More »Development ‘annihilated’, UN says
GENEVA (AFP) —Lebanon’s 15-year economic and social recovery from civil war was wiped out in the recent Israeli offensive against Hizbollah, the UN development agency said Tuesday.
Read More »Oil spill cleanup may take year — Greenpeace
BEIRUT (AFP) — Cleanup of a massive oil spill caused by Israeli air strikes on a fuel depot could take up to one year, the environmental group Greenpeace Mediterranean said Tuesday.
Conflictul în care este implicată platforma petrolieră românească Orizont este departe de a se fi încheiat. Un oficial al companiei Petro Iran Development a declarat agenţiei Reuters că platforma nu a fost atacată militar. Dimpotrivă, oficialul a adus acuzaţii companiei române GSP, despre care susţine că a lansat informaţii false.
Celulă de criză la MApN ÅŸi măsurile MAE Ministrul Apărării, Teodor Atanasiu, a declarat, marÅ£i, pentru agenÅ£ia NewsIn, că a constituit o celulă de criză la nivelul ministerului său cu scopul de a colecta toate datele despre atacul militar iranian asupra platformei româneÅŸti “Orizont”.
Teheranul, pregătit pentru noi negocieri Negociatorul-ÅŸef iranian în dosarul nuclear, Ali Larijani, a declarat, marÅ£i, că Teheranul este dispus să înceapă de miercuri discuÅ£ii “serioase” cu cele ÅŸase mari puteri în legătură cu oferta prezentată.
Românii au avut acces la staÅ£ia radio Platforma de foraj marin “Orizont”, cu 19 de români la bord, a fost sechestrată în Golful Persic. Platforma petrolieră sub pavilion românesc a fost atacată, marÅ£i dimineaţă, de armata iraniană.
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