BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon marked the sixth anniversary of Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon on Thursday, amid deep divisions among its rival leaders over the fate of Hizbollah’s weapons.
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Insurgents fight US, Iraqi forces to stalemate
RAMADI, Iraq (AP) — Whole neighborhoods are lawless, too dangerous for police. Some roads are so bomb-laden that US troops won’t use them. Guerrillas attack US troops nearly every time they venture out — and hit their bases with gunfire, rockets or mortars when they don’t.
Read More »UN seeks to persuade Sudan to accept peacekeepers
KHARTOUM (Reuters) — Senior diplomats will seek to persuade Khartoum on Tuesday to accept UN peacekeepers in the violent Darfur region after UN chief Kofi Annan accused Sudan of violating international law.
Read More »Israel seeks cruise missiles — sources
TEL AVIV (Reuters) — Israel has speeded up efforts to develop long-range cruise missiles of a type that could be used should the Jewish state try to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities, security sources said on Tuesday.
Read More »Conflicting Gulf messages to resolve atomic crisis
ABU DHABI (AP) — Gulf officials sent conflicting messages about a new diplomatic initiative by Arab countries of the region to help resolve the dispute over Iran’s controversial nuclear programme.
Read More »UN nuclear chief seeks compromise on Iran
VIENNA (AFP) — UN nuclear watchdog chief Mohammed Al Baradei may be carrying a message from the Iranians on his visit to Washington this week amidst the crisis over Tehran’s atomic ambitions, diplomats told AFP. Diplomats said Baradei could play a role in secret diplomacy as he met in Vienna …
Read More »Egypt says Palestinians aided Sinai attackers
CAIRO (AP) — Egypt on Tuesday accused Palestinians of helping finance and train members of an Egyptian militant group that carried out a string of bombings at Sinai tourist resorts, the first direct link it has made between the terror attacks and the stormy Gaza Strip.
Read More »Washington presses Olmert to talk to Abbas
US House overwhelmingly backs bill to brand PA ‘terrorist sanctuary,’ further restrict aid WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met President George W. Bush on Tuesday facing US pressure to hold “serious talks” with moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and bypass the Hamas-led government.
Pare un blestem, dar, oricât ai încerca să ocoleÅŸti subiectul „gripa aviară†tot cu el te întâlneÅŸti. Nici nu e greu. Românii au uitat de fotbal, politică, bârfe, telenovele ÅŸi discută doar despre H5N1. VeÅŸtile sunt alarmante, iar debandada – totală. Autorităţile nu reuÅŸesc să depăşească etapa „românească†a luptei …
Ungaria ÅŸi Slovacia neagă posibilitatea ca păsări infectate să fi ajuns în România. Potrivit Radio România Actualităţi, oficiali ai celor două ţări au declarat că este exclus ca păsările importate din ţările lor să fie infectate, pentru că la ei funcÅ£ionează sistemul de monitorizare a gripei aviare impus de Uniunea …
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