Déjà déclaré mort à cinq reprises entre 2009 et 2016, Abubakar Shekau aurait été tué le 19 mai dans son fief de la forêt de Sambisa, dans le nord-est du Nigeria. Cette fois, l’information semble cependant crédible. En ce soir du 19 mai, une colonne de combattants de l’État islamique …
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June, 2021
7 June
Sahara: Brahim Ghali, le chef du Front Polisario, a quitté l’Espagne pour l’Algérie
L’hospitalisation du leader du mouvement indépendantiste sahraoui à Logroño a déclenché une crise diplomatique majeure entre Madrid et Rabat. Le départ de Brahim Ghali d’Espagne pour l’Algérie, annoncé le 1er juin dans la foulée de l’audition du chef du Polisario par un juge espagnol, a été confirmé par Algérie Presse …
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7 June
La France suspend ses opérations militaires conjointes avec le Mali
En réponse au coup de force du colonel Assimi Goïta, Paris annonce la suspension temporaire de sa coopération militaire avec le Mali. Le geste en dit long sur la perception française du coup de force perpétré par Assimi Goïta au Mali. Ce jeudi 3 juin, le ministère français des Armées …
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7 June
Welcome to the “New Normal”: Non-State Actors and the Use of Drones
Non-state actors that enjoy state-sponsored assistance in developing drone capabilities are a major concern for the international community. A range of non-state actors has used drones in combat, including ISIS, Hezbollah, Houthi rebels, Hamas, Boko Haram, and the Afghan Taliban, among others. Echoing a commonly growing sentiment, the U.S. military …
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7 June
“I Can’t Quit You Baby”: Relationship between Afghan Taliban & Al-Qaeda Remains Strong
A new UN report indicates that ties between the Taliban and al-Qaeda remain strong and could grow stronger following the U.S. troop withdrawal. Many remain skeptical that the Taliban possesses either the will or the capability to prevent al-Qaeda from rebuilding an external operations unit. If Afghanistan descends into chaos, …
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7 June
Foreign Actors Are Hacking America’s Democracy
A growing number of authoritarian regimes are turning to technology in their efforts to demolish trust in democratic principles and institutions. What does America’s most notorious conspiracy theory have to do with foreign policy? Quite a lot, it turns out. In recent years, QAnon—a series of theories about the existence …
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7 June
Iran Leadership Race Takes Shape and Favors Loyalist
The regime has shaped the field of candidates in the June 18 presidential election to favor the preferred choice of Iran’s Supreme Leader. The front-runner in the campaign, Judiciary chairman Ibrahim Raisi, is also Supreme Leader Ali Khamene’i’s choice to succeed him. The exclusion of most moderate and reformist candidates …
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7 June
Biden-Putin Summit Scheduled, as U.S.-Russia Relations Continue to Deteriorate
In the first meeting between Biden and Putin in June, there is expected to be no shortage of contentious issues to discuss. Biden recently described Putin as a “killer,” and he has not shied away from harsh rhetoric to describe the Kremlin’s continued actions. U.S. Secretary of State Blinken recently …
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7 June
Côte d’Ivoire : tête-à-tête avec Ouattara, antiterrorisme… Le programme de Le Drian à Abidjan
Le ministre français des Affaires étrangères sera reçu par le président ivoirien à Abidjan les 9 et 10 juin. Voici les étapes de cette visite officielle. Les officiels français se succèdent sur les bords de la lagune Ebrié. Après le ministre de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Relance, Bruno …
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7 June
Jihadism in Tunisia: A Receding Threat?
What’s new? As the threat of jihadist violence recedes in Tunisia, some of the counter-terrorist measures put in place in 2013 are eroding social cohesion and undermining citizens’ trust in the country’s institutions. Why does it matter? These government measures have the potential to drive up the number of jihadist attacks, and …
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