TimeLine Layout

July, 2006

  • 6 July

    حوار/ جبريل الرجوب عضو المجلس الثوري لحركة فتح

    اللواء جبريل الرجوب لـ “القدس” *لابد من صياغة رؤية سياسية توحد الشعب الفلسطيني ويقبلها المجتمع الدولي *هنالك خلل في القيادة وأكثر شخص يتمتع بالشرعية وقادر على تصحيحه هو الرئيس عباس *يجب تشكيل مجلس أمن قومي يوفر الأمن للمواطن ويصون الممتلكات العامة ويحمي الجهاز القضائي *على “حماس” القبول بالمبادرة الوطنية والقرارات …

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  • 6 July

    إرهاب دولة منظم يمارسه الاحتلال في غزة…!!!

    بقلم / محمد بسام جودة  بدأت أمطار الصيف تهطل وتتساقط و تخرق كل قوانين وشرائع الكون فاستهدفت البنية التحتية في قطاع غزة بقصد تجويع وتركيع الشعب الفلسطيني، اختطف ممثلو الشعب من وزراء ونواب، هددت القيادات بالتصفية، ، وبدأت الاوكازيونات العربية و الدولية في إعطاء المهل لتسليم المجرم الأسير.

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  • 6 July

    Ahmadinejad Stresses Boosting of All-Out Ties with Yerevan

    TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tehran welcomes development of all-out ties with Armenia, in the spheres of transportation, culture, sports, tourism and energy in particular. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with his Armenian counterpart Robert Kocharian here on Wednesday,

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  • 6 July

    US outflanked in Eurasia energy politics

    The United States’ global energy-control strategy, it’s now clear to most, was the actual reason for the highly costly regime change in Iraq, euphemistically dubbed “democracy” by Washington. But while it is preoccupied with implanting democracy in the Middle East, the United States is quietly being outflanked in the rush …

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  • 6 July

    Sudan Calls for Boosting of Parliamentary Cooperation with Iran

    TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Sudanese Ambassador to Tehran viewed close relations and cordial ties among parliaments of the Muslim states as the best solution to the problems and challenges of the world of Islam.   Sudanese Ambassador to Tehran Abdullah Khezr Bashir met with Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly Speaker Gholam …

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  • 6 July

    U.S. urged to stop Israeli terrorism in Gaza

    The military action by Israel in the Gaza Strip is designed to terrorize the civilian population.  This is openly acknowledged by Israeli officials.  It is being condemned by human rights groups in Israel and around the world. Rep. Cardin has been a staunch, consistent and unwavering supporter of Israel. 

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  • 6 July

    Pyongyang: Another headache for Bush

    With the wobbly security situation in Iraq and the headache of Iran’s nuclear programme, the last thing the US president needs is another crisis with North Korea.  Pyongyang has test-fired at least six missiles in the Sea of Japan, one of them a long-range weapon said to be capable of …

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  • 6 July

    Amnesty International Urges Putin to Review NGO Legislation

    Non-governmental organization Amnesty International in official letter to Russian President published on its website urges Vladimir Putin to review the implementation of Russia’s legislation governing civil society organizations, a commitment he made Tuesday at meetings with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) held in the context of the forthcoming summit of the Group …

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  • 5 July

    Pristina and Belgrade to hold new round of talks on cultural and religious sites

    Kosovo’s negotiating team has agreed to participate in another session of direct talks with Belgrade on cultural heritage in Kosovo, to be held on 11 July in Vienna. Yet the Kosovo side says it will not accept new demands regarding protection zones around Serb Orthodox cultural and religious sites. “We …

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  • 5 July

    Large scale special operation underway in Chechen village of Kotar-Yurt

    At dawn on July 4 Russian military and Moscow-backed Chechen police blockaded the village of Kotar-Yurt in the Achkhoy-Martanovsky district, with the support of a large quantity of armour. After closing off all routes in and out of the village, soldiers and police began a large-scale passport check.

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