TimeLine Layout

June, 2006

  • 12 June

    Suspension issue tests Bush, Iran, major powers

    WASHINGTON — US President George W. Bush already has made significant concessions as part of a major power offer to end the Iran nuclear crisis.

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  • 12 June

    UN diplomats visit Darfur war victims

    CAMP GOUROUKOUN, Chad (Reuters) — Mohammad Ibrahim, 18, waited patiently in the boiling sun to show United Nations Security Council ambassadors the welts burned into his back and head by Sudan’s marauding Janjaweed Arab militiamen.

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  • 12 June

    Somali Islamist offensive feared

    MOGADISHU (Reuters) — More than 1,000 Islamist fighters deployed to a strategic camp north of Mogadishu on Sunday, witnesses said, sparking fears of a new offensive against warlords.

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  • 12 June

    Olmert eyes Europe support on Hamas, Iran

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (Reuters) — Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is expected to seek a strong European stand against the Hamas-led Palestinian government and Iran’s nuclear programme as he begins his first visit to Britain and France on Sunday.

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  • 12 June

    Al Qaeda in Iraq warns of post-Zarqawi violence

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Al Qaeda in Iraq vowed on Sunday to carry out attacks to “shake the enemy” after the killing of its leader Abu Mussab Zarqawi, heightening fears his death will bring no respite from carnage.

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  • 12 June

    Israeli air strikes kill 2 Hamas activists

    RAMALLAH — Israeli air strikes yesterday killed two members of the Izzedine Al Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing, while a Palestinian rocket, claimed by the brigades, seriously wounded an Israeli in the town of Sderot on the border with Gaza.

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  • 11 June

    Iran wants nuclear energy programmes for all Muslim states

    CAIRO (AFP) — Iran’s top nuclear negotiator on Saturday urged all Muslim countries to follow in the Islamic republic’s footsteps and develop a nuclear energy programme.

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  • 11 June

    Iran given ‘weeks not months’ to mull atomic offer

    BERLIN (Reuters) — Western powers on Friday gave Iran just weeks to respond to a package of incentives to suspend its nuclear enrichment programme. The offer, which EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana personally delivered to

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  • 11 June

    Autopsy on Zarqawi’s body

    BAGHDAD (AP) — The American military flew in two forensic specialists Saturday to examine the body of slain Al Qaeda chieftain Abu Mussab Zarqawi “to see how he actually died” in an effort to reconstruct the last minutes of his life, a US general said.

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  • 11 June

    Early blow to hopes for respite in Iraq violence

    BAGHDAD (AP) — Sunni Arab insurgents on Saturday displayed the videotaped beheading of three men — alleged members of a Shiite death squad — signalling their determination to fight on despite the  death of Abu Mussab Zarqawi.

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