TimeLine Layout

June, 2006

  • 8 June

    Forumul Marii Negre – Summit in premiera la Bucuresti

    Geopolitica nevalorificata Nici o urma de scepticism n-a rezistat in fata argumentelor sale. A combatut orice indoiala cu explicatii perfect logice. E convins ca Forumul Marii Negre isi va demonstra valoarea, in timp. Un dialog sincer cu ministrul de Externe, Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu.

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  • 8 June

    Marea Neagra face valuri mici la Bucuresti

    Sefi de stat si de guvern se intilnesc azi la Bucuresti pentru a discuta problemele de securitate ale Marii Negre. Lipsesc insa tocmai cei care le cauzeaza.Desi presedintia si Ministerul roman de Externe au investit efort si fonduri semnificative in organizarea

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  • 7 June

    Cu fata spre Rusia – Basescu nu exclude un dialog neoficial cu regimul transnistrian

    Relatiile Romaniei cu Rusia au fost la un moment dat inghetate, ceea ce a fost o greseala de politica externa, este de parere presedintele Traian Basescu.

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  • 7 June

    Rusia nu a invatat niciodata lectia cooperarii

    – Domnule Socor, laitmotivul acestui forum a fost absenta cvasitotala a partii ruse la acest forum. Cum comentati aceasta absenta? – Intr-adevar, au existat vorbitori care au spus ca problemele nu se pot rezolva fara Rusia

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  • 5 June

    EU Proposals not Mirrored by Media

    TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Chairman of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said that the EU offer is different from what has been reported by the media. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a convention on ‘Imam Khomeini’s Thoughts in the Field of Foreign Policy’, Allaoddin Boroujerdi …

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  • 5 June

    Azeri President Satisfied with Tehran-Baku Excellent Ties

    TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Azeri President Ilham Aliyev Friday evening expressed his satisfaction with Tehran-Baku “excellent” political relations, but called for further exchange of experiences in the industrial and economic fields. During a meeting with Iranian Minister of Industries and Mines Alireza Tahmasbi, he stressed that upgrading of Baku’s economic …

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  • 5 June

    Iranian President, Saudi King Stress Boosting of Ties

    TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here Saturday stressed the importance of bolstering ties and consultations with Saudi Arabia on issues affecting the Islamic world. President Ahmadinejad, in a telephone conversation with Saudi King Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz, discussed the latest developments in the Islamic world and the region, …

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  • 5 June

    EU Proposals to Be Decided in Compliance with National Interests

    TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Saturday said that Iran will decide upon the EU proposals in full compliance with its national interests. Addressing a ceremony on the 17th anniversary of the demise of the Father of the Islamic Revolution and Founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini, …

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  • 5 June

    Supreme Leader Warns US of Endangered Energy Supply

    TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei Sunday warned the United States that any wrong move on Iran would “definitely endanger energy flow in the region.” “If you make a wrong move on Iran, definitely the energy flow in this region will be …

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  • 5 June

    Russia may Form a Permanent Naval Station in Syria

    Allegedly, Russia wants to use the Syrian Tartus Port as permanent naval station.   The Kommersant newspaper published in Russia claimed the Moscow administration wants to establish the Tartus Port in southern Syria as a permanent naval station. A spokesman for the Russia Defense Ministry, however, refused the claim.

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