TimeLine Layout

April, 2006

  • 18 April


    Premierul Călin Popescu Tăriceanu a declarat marÅ£i, la TimiÅŸoara, că Strategia de securitate naÅ£ională are “o mare deficienţă”, fiind evidentă “lipsa unei concepÅ£ii de bază” a documentului. Tăriceanu a susÅ£inut că documentul ar fi putut să fie îmbunătăţit, pornind de la definirea interesului naÅ£ional.

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  • 18 April

    U.S. and the Allies of Evil’s next target–Iran

    It has become increasingly obvious over the past few months that the U.S. government and its military-industrial cohorts, bogged down by insurgency in Iraq and desperately in need of a “victory”, insensibly think that they can bomb, and possibly even nuke, Iran – a civilization far older and richer than …

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  • 18 April

    Iran’s President: Israel serious threat to Islamic world

    Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday that Israel posed a serious threat to the Islamic world, Reuters reported.    Speaking at a pro-Palestinian conference in Tehran to rally support from Islamic states for the cash-strapped Hamas-led Palestinian Authority, Ahmadinejad said that “the Zionist regime is an injustice and by …

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  • 18 April

    Iraqi women much worse off under occupation

    Iraqi women were treated far more better during the Saddam Hussein era, and their rights were much more respected, local rights NGOs concluded after an extensive survey in Iraq.  “We interviewed women in the country and met with local NGOs dealing with gender issues to develop this survey, which asked …

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  • 18 April

    Fierce fighting continues in Afghanistan

    Taliban Mujahiddeen fired 30 rockets at a base of American troops in Naway Adda, Barmal district of Paktika province on the nigh between Thursday and Friday, Dr. Muhammad Hanif, spokesman of Taliban government told Afghan Islamic Press. He said they do not have details about the damage caused by the …

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  • 18 April

    17 invaders and puppets eliminated in Chechnya

    According to spokesman of Military Council Majlisul Shura of CRI 17 kafirs and munafiqs were eliminated during the gun battles in various parts of the country on April 12-13. More than 20 invaders and collaborators have got wounded.

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  • 18 April

    Tel Aviv bomber kills 9

    TEL AVIV (AP) — A Palestinian suicide bomber struck a packed fast-food restaurant in Tel Aviv during the Jewish holiday of Passover on Monday, killing nine people and wounding dozens in the deadliest bombing in more than a year.

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  • 18 April

    Attack damaging to Palestinians, Jordan says

    PARIS (AFP) — The United States warned the Hamas-led Palestinian government against defending or sponsoring “terrorist acts” as a suicide bombing in Israel on Monday drew widespread international condemnation.

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  • 18 April

    Brother of Iraqi Sunni leader killed

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Gunmen killed the brother of a top Iraqi Sunni politician, officials said on Monday, in the second killing in days of a relative of a Sunni leader as deadlock over a unity government showed no sign of loosening.

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  • 18 April

    Gulf Arab states will oppose US strike on Iran — Rafsanjani

    KUWAIT CITY (AFP) — Iran’s influential former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said Monday he was sure the Islamic republic’s Gulf neighbours would not support any US assault on his country over its nuclear programme. “We are certain that Gulf countries will not back the United States in waging an attack …

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