BEIRUT — Syrian troops, a familiar sight for almost 30 years, are gone from Lebanon’s streets. Anjar, the village that hosted Syria’s intelligence base, has sunk back into obscurity. Many old Syrian allies sit on the sidelines.
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UN interviews Assad about alleged threats against Hariri
DAMASCUS (AP) — A UN investigator on Tuesday interviewed Syrian President Bashar Assad about the assassination of a former Lebanese prime minister, an encounter the Syrian leader had previously twice declined.
Read More »Egyptian police detain 10 after deadly bombings
DAHAB (Reuters) — Egyptian police detained at least 10 people, including computer engineers, on Tuesday in connection with a triple bombing that killed at least 18 people and wounded scores in the Red Sea tourist resort of Dahab.
Read More »Iraq funding bill to hit Senate floor at well above amount Bush requested
WASHINGTON — A must-pass spending bill to pay for the rising costs of the war in Iraq and for additional hurricane aid for the storm-ravaged northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico Coast is debuting on the Senate floor to poor reviews from conservatives over its massive cost.
Read More »Zarqawi warns fight goes on
BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Al Qaeda leader in Iraq Abu Mussab Zarqawi said in a rare video on Tuesday his mujahedeen were fighting on in the three-year-old war against the “crusader enemy” and America was behind efforts to form a new government.
Read More »Abbas vows to prevent civil war
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Tuesday that clashes between activists loyal to the Hamas movement and his more moderate Fateh group were of concern, but added that he would “never let a civil war occur.” Abbas spoke amid rising tensions between Hamas, which won Palestinian parliamentary elections, and his own …
PreÅŸedintele UDMR, Marko Bela, a declarat, marÅ£i, că ministrul JustiÅ£iei ar trebui să îşi ceară scuze pentru acuzaÅ£iile “foarte grave†făcute la adresa Uniunii ÅŸi a susÅ£inut că Monica Macovei “îşi descarcă nervii pe maghiari”, pentru că nu a reuÅŸit să-ÅŸi impună unele proiecte “proaste, de altfel”.
George W. Bush a prezentat marţi o serie de propuneri pentru a contracara creşterea preţurilor ţiţeiului şi benzinei, inclusiv stoparea temporară a livrărilor către Rezerva Strategică de Petrol. Bush a solicitat, într-un discurs către Asociaţia pentru Combustibili Regenerabili, suspendarea,
CoÅŸmarul fugii din faÅ£a apelor i-a ajuns ÅŸi pe locuitorii a două sate doljene, după ce două diguri, la BistreÅ£ ÅŸi Dăbuleni, s-au rupt. Luni noapte, localitatea Sărata a rămas pustie, jandarmii evacuându-i pe toÅ£i localnicii. Apa a ajuns aproape de sat. Cu câteva ore înainte, cei din Plosca ÅŸi-au …
Read More »Egypt PM says verdict still out on church attacks
CAIRO (AFP) — Egypt’s prime minister has said the verdict is still out on official claims that the recent attacks on churches that left one man dead were committed by a mentally unstable man.
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