Macedonian Minister for Foreign Affairs to attend OSCE meeting in Athens

img110The Macedonian Minister for Foreign Affairs Antonio Milososki will attend the 17-th OSCE Ministerial meeting, which will take place in Athens December 1-2.

Milososki will give a speech at the Ministerial meeting and he is expected to hold bilateral talks with other countries’ foreign ministers.

At the meeting it is expected to establish the priorities about next year goals and it is planned to adopt many significant decisions in all three dimensions- political-security, humane and economic dimensions.

The Greek OSCE chair’s efforts would be focused on achieving a political declaration that built on the foundations laid with the Corfu process, using a proposal by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for a new European security treaty to launch constructive dialogue on security issues in Europe.

Next year, Kazakhstan will take over OSCE chair.

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