Glavas Could Soon Be Extradited to Croatia

Persons who are convicted in Bosnia and Herzegovina will no longer be able to escape to neighbouring countries, and criminals who flee to Bosnia will not be able to dodge justice, according to an agreement adopted on Thursday.

The agreement was adopted by the Bosnian tripartite Presidency on January 28 in Sarajevo, local media report.

According to Nebojsa Radmanovic, Serb member of the Presidency, this agreement will concern people who are convicted by a second instance decision, and hold dual citizenship with one of the neighbouring countries.

“The agreement does not concern Branimir Glavas, but it will if and when he is convicted by a second instance chamber,” Radmanovic said.

Branimir Glavas was sentenced last spring by a first instance verdict in the Republic of Croatia to 10 years in prison for war crimes committed in Osijek in 1991. In May last year, he was arrested in the vicinity of Kupres, Bosnia and Herzegovina, based on an Interpol warrant issued by Croatia.

Bosnia refuses to extradite Glavas because he holds Bosnian dual citizenship. He has lived in Bosnia since fleeing Croatia following the verdict.

The agreement will come into effect after it is officially signed by the Ministers of Justice in the region.

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