UN Security Council heard Bosnia political situation

Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to stagnate politically mainly because of politicians’ reluctance to compromise and engage in dialogue, as wells as their tendency to abuse the system, even as State institutions face functional and economic pressure that has undermined their efficiency, the UN Security Council heard on Tuesday. 

Briefing the Council, the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Valentin Inzko, said that Republika Srpska – one of two semi-autonomous entities that make up the country – has continued to engage in legal and political actions and sharp rhetoric challenging State institutions, competences and laws, and his authority under the Dayton peace agreement and the Council’s relevant resolutions.

He said there was need for his office to remain in Bosnia and Herzegovina to fill the legal gaps in the country and maintain stability. “This need will continue until such time as Bosnian and Herzegovina is self-sustainable and firmly and irreversibly on the path towards EU [European Union] and NATO integration.”

He urged the international community not to give up on Bosnia and Herzegovina, stressing that disengagement was likely to lead to renewed disorder.

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